Hungarian Baptist Aid


„No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be
prohibited in all their forms.”





    Our mission is to fight against human trafficking, and to help preventing victimization

Hungarian Baptist Aid is committed to preventing human trafficking and to the fight against it, as well as to help, care for and protect the rights of the victims of trafficking.

Our organization brings liberation to victims through rehabilitation and temporary housing until the individual begins aftercare. Hungarian Baptist Aid has experts in nearly all points of the country who stay with the victims from the moment of escape, and onward. Our colleagues help them deal with official procedures (healthcare, social care, attending court, aid with investigation process etc.), choosing the appropriate temporary shelter, aiding in the rehabilitation processes and beginning aftercare. Based on practical experience, we participate in helping the victims of human trafficking. From the moment of escape until the reintegration into society, we help the victims and address their situations.

Our organization considers as normative the following provisions/laws regarding human trafficking as stated by the BTK (Book of Criminal Law in Hungary): 2012, law C, paragraph 192, and the 2011/36/EU directive of the European Parliament and Council of 5th April 2011 on preventing and fighting human trafficking, the protection of its victims, and on the change of the 2002/629/IB Council framework decision.

In addition, our organization puts accent on crimes that can be connected to, are associated with or are substitutions of human trafficking, which are the following: Kidnapping (Abduction) (paragraph190), Forced labor (paragraph 193), Violation of personal freedom (paragraph 194), Coercion (Forcing) (paragraph 195), Sexual coercion (paragraph 196), Sexual violance (paragraph 197), Sexual abuse (paragraph 198), Incest (paragraph 199), Procurement (paragraph 200), Subservience of prostitution (201), Pimping (paragraph 202), Exploitation of child prostitution (paragraph 203), Child pornography (paragraph 204), Obscenity (paragraph 205), Relegation (paragraph 206), Endangering an underage (paragraph 208), Child labour (paragraph 209), Psychical abuse among cohabiting (paragraph 212), Humiliation of a vulnerable person (parapgraph 226).

Hungarian Baptist Aid acknowledges – and acts accordingly-, that gender does affect the characteristics of human trafficking and also that the reasons for trade are different for women and for men. Because of these distinctions, supporting measures also need to be taken into consideration with regards to the difference between genders. The “coercive” and the “incentive” factors can diff er for the multiple sectors, for example, trafficking related to the sex industry, or trafficking for labor exploitation, e.g. building industry, agriculture, domestic servitude.

Our aim is to help from the individual circumstances of the victims so that they are able to live self-supporting and free lives.